Understanding and Meeting Needs with the Simplified "What Do You Need?" Tool

Help young students identify needs like Purpose, Play, and Peace with the Simplified What Do You Need? tool—download the poster today!

The Simplified What Do You Need? tool is designed to make understanding and articulating needs more accessible for younger students. It breaks down core needs into easy-to-grasp categories like Purpose, Autonomy, Play, Peace, Physical Well-being, and Connection, fostering self-awareness and encouraging healthy communication. This streamlined version of our full Needs Tool is perfect for elementary-aged students or those new to exploring their needs, laying the groundwork for emotional regulation, problem-solving, and resilience.

How This Differs from the Full Needs Tool

The Simplified What Do You Need? tool focuses on introducing younger students to the concept of needs in a way that is developmentally appropriate. While the full Needs Tool dives deeper into the nuances of identifying and meeting needs, this version provides a more approachable framework, ensuring younger students can engage effectively without feeling overwhelmed.

How to Use the Simplified What Do You Need? Tool

Here’s a step-by-step guide to implementing the Simplified What Do You Need? Tool with younger students:

  1. Introduce the Concept of Needs
    • Explain: Share that everyone has needs, and understanding them is the first step to feeling balanced and happy.
    • Prompt: Ask questions like:
      • “What do you think you need to feel good today?”
      • “How do you feel when your needs are met? What about when they’re not?”
  2. Explore the Categories
    • Activity: Display or distribute the Simplified What Do You Need? poster. Review each category in clear, simple language:
      • Purpose: Feeling good about what you do, learning, or helping others.
      • Autonomy: Making your own choices and feeling respected.
      • Play: Having fun, laughing, and being creative.
      • Peace: Feeling calm, safe, and hopeful.
      • Physical Well-Being: Getting enough rest, staying healthy, and feeling strong.
      • Connection: Spending time with people who care about you.
    • Prompt: Ask students to share which categories resonate with them most and why.
  3. Identify Personal Needs
    • Activity: Provide students with a simple worksheet or a space to draw and write about their needs. Use prompts like:
      • “What’s one need you have right now?”
      • “Which category feels most important to you today?”
  4. Brainstorm Solutions
    • Activity: Encourage students to think about small steps to meet their needs. Use prompts like:
      • “What’s one thing you can do to feel calmer?”
      • “What’s a fun activity that could help meet your need for play?”
  5. Make it a Daily Practice
    • Classroom Use: Begin the day with a simple needs check-in, asking, “Which category do you want to focus on today?”
    • Home Use: Families can use the tool to ask questions like, “What do you need right now?” during emotional moments.

Benefits of the Simplified What Do You Need? Tool for Students

The Simplified What Do You Need? tool helps younger students:

  • Understand their needs: Introducing the concept in an age-appropriate way enhances emotional awareness.
  • Communicate effectively: Clearer articulation of needs builds stronger relationships.
  • Develop basic problem-solving skills: Small steps toward meeting needs foster confidence and resilience.

Download the Simplified What Do You Need? Poster

Introduce younger students to the Simplified What Do You Need? tool and watch them build self-awareness, confidence, and communication skills! Download the poster today and integrate it into your classroom, counseling sessions, or family routines.
